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Article: How to clean rattan furniture

How to clean rattan furniture

Written by Henry Phan Update
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How to clean rattan furniture is a question for many homeowners. Rattan furniture has become popular in every home, helping your living space become more stylish and aesthetic. Rattan often requires regular and gentle cleaning to ensure your furniture will last for years to come. In this article, Rowabi Interiors has given you some guidelines to keep rattan furniture clean.

How often to clean rattan furniture

Regular maintenance is key to keeping rattan furniture at its best. Due to its complex structure, dirt can easily accumulate in the crevices of rattan furniture. Therefore, you should dust or vacuum your furniture weekly with an upholstery brush to ensure every aspect of the furniture is thoroughly cleaned.

bamboo and rattan furniture needs to be cleaned regularly to remove all dirt and ensure longevity
The rattan furniture should be cleaned regularly to remove all dust and dirt

However, how to clean rattan furniture for deeper cleaning? You should clean the furniture periodically every month to preserve the life of the furniture. This includes a thorough damp cleaning to remove any deep dirt or stains. Or if you are too busy at least once a year, you need to check the furniture for mold growth, especially if rattan furniture has been left outdoors for a long time.

Instructions for Weekly Cleaning

To keep rattan furniture clean and in its best state, vacuuming or weekly dusting is essential. How to clean rattan wicker furniture weekly? Here are some instructions for Weekly Cleaning you can refer to.

Remove Dust

Start by removing dust from the entire surface of the rattan furniture to prevent excessive soil buildup during the rattan furniture weaving process. You should use a disposable duster or microfiber duster, or even a vacuum cleaner with an upholstered brush attachment.

use disposable dusters or microfiber dusters to remove dust
You can use a disposable duster or microfiber duster to remove dust weekly

You must remember to use a toothbrush with soft bristles to remove dirt accumulated in the corners. You should prioritize using the vacuum cleaner's crevice tool to clean under the mattress, and consider using compressed air to dislodge dirt in tight areas.

Clean Away Stains

In case there are food stains, drink spills, or muddy footprints on rattan furniture, it is important to clean them as soon as possible. However, you should avoid rubbing these stains because it will push the dirt deeper into the weave.

use a dull knife or spoon to remove stains from rattan furniture
You can gently lift stains off the rattan with a dull knife or spoon

If there are solid particles stuck to the furniture, you can gently lift them off the rattan with a dull knife or spoon. After removing the solid, use a damp microfiber cloth to wipe the affected area and let the rattan air dry naturally.

When your rattan furniture has dried stains or other tough stains, use a toothbrush to help loosen them from the rattan. The next step is to dampen a microfiber cloth and apply a small amount of dishwashing liquid to it.

Wipe the stained area clean with a cloth. To complete the cleaning process, use a cloth dampened with clean water to remove soap residue and let the furniture dry naturally.

Instructions for Monthly Cleaning

Rattan furniture brings natural beauty and luxury to any space. To ensure longevity and maintain its appearance, regular monthly cleaning is essential. How to clean up rattan furniture monthly? Here are some instructions for cleaning your rattan furniture monthly.

Mix a Cleaning Solution

Start by preparing a cleaning solution that includes warm water, and dishwashing liquid. In a bucket or bowl, mix warm water and a few drops of mild dishwashing liquid or specialized rattan cleaner.

mix a cleaning solution consisting of warm water and specialized detergent in the recommended ratio to clean rattan and bamboo items
Mix a cleaning solution of warm water, and dishwashing liquid to clean rattan furniture

Gently stir the solution to form a soapy mixture. In a second bucket or bowl, pour in some clean water to rinse the wipes. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals as they may damage the rattan material.

Wipe Down Furniture

Take a soft microfiber cloth and dip it in soap suds, then begin wiping down the rattan furniture, making sure to clean all surfaces. You should start from the top of the rattan and gently work until it is slightly damp.

you can use a soft microfiber cloth dipped in soap suds to clean the furniture
You can take a soft microfiber cloth dip it in soap suds and wipe down the furniture

How to clean rattan furniture when we wipe down furniture? Pay extra attention to any areas with visible stains or spills. Use a toothbrush to remove dust that accumulates during the weaving process. You must also remember that rattan should not be soaked in too much water.

Allow to Dry

How to clean rattan furniture and keep it after washing? If the rattan furniture is too wet, let it dry in a well-ventilated place. If there is too much water, use a soft cloth to dry the rattan furniture.

after cleaning with water, let it dry naturally
Once washed, you have to allow rattan furniture to dry it

You should not place it near heat sources or direct sunlight because excessive heat can cause the rattan to warp or crack. Furthermore, rushing the drying process can damage rattan furniture.

Instructions for Yearly Cleaning

Yearly cleaning and maintenance will keep your rattan furniture looking beautiful and extend its lifespan. Before starting the thorough yearly cleaning, follow the instructions on how to clean rattan furniture for weekly and monthly cleaning.

Inspect Rattan for Problems

Start by checking your rattan furniture for damage or breakage. You also look for loose pieces of fabric, unraveled weave, or any other issues that may need repair. If your rattan furniture has been placed outside, check for mold that often occurs on furniture legs. It is essential to address any issues before starting the cleaning process.

check regularly for possible problems with this item
Inspect rattan furniture to see some problems that may occur with this item

Remove Mold and Mildew

Rattan furniture is prone to mildew and mold growth if it's exposed to moisture or kept in a damp environment. If there is mold present on rattan, create a solution by mixing a solution of water and equal parts chlorine bleach.

regular maintenance to remove all mold
Don’t forget to remove all mold and mildew on the rattan furniture

Then dampen a sponge or soft cloth in the solution and gently wipe the affected areas. Don't forget to wear protective gloves when exposed to bleach to protect your hands.

For stubborn stains, you can use a soft brush to scrub the surface. Once the mold has been cleaned, make sure the rattan is completely dry before proceeding to the next step. Try not to soak rattan in water for too long. Move the rattan in the sun to dry as quickly as possible.

Condition the Rattan

Conditioning the rattan helps maintain its natural beauty and prevents the rattan from becoming brittle or dry. After dusting, stain treatment, mold removal, and foam cleaning let the rattan dry completely. When dry, dip a soft cloth in boiled linseed oil to condition the rattan.

the best way to nourish rattan is to use linseed oil
The best way to condition the rattan is to use oil linseed

When using the oil to condition the rattan, begin at the top of the furniture to prevent drips, allow the oil to absorb into the rattan for the recommended 15-20 minutes, then wipe down the rattan and the oil with a soft and clean cloth. This oil will help your rattan furniture moisture, which helps to prevent furniture from breaking. The rattan should be dry completely for at least 48 hours.

Tips to Keep Your Rattan Furniture Clean Longer

With proper maintenance, you can keep your rattan furniture looking clean and beautiful for years to come. Here are some tips on how to clean rattan furniture and keep it longer.

Regular Dusting

You should do gentle weekly dusting or monthly damp cleaning of the furniture as well as a thorough yearly inspection to discover any split fibers. damage, or mold, then clean and repair them. Dust and dirt accumulation is one of the most popular issues that occur with rattan furniture.

regular cleaning helps prevent dirt or debris from falling into crevices
Regular dusting can prevent dirt or debris from settling into crevices promptly

To prevent build-up, use a dry, soft cloth or a feather duster to remove dust from the surface. Regular cleaning will prevent dirt or debris from settling into crevices.


Sometimes it's a good idea to use the soft brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner to remove dirt from hard-to-reach areas of your rattan furniture. This is especially helpful for clouds because vacuuming can loosen and remove stuck-on debris that you may not have noticed.

using a vacuum cleaner helps clean stuck debris that you can't see
Using vacuuming can help you clean  stuck-on debris that you may not have noticed

Be careful not to use the vacuum cleaner brush too hard on the rattan, especially if its surface is painted. A slow, gentle brush will prevent scratches while removing any remaining dirt. Therefore, the soft brush accessory will be the best choice for cloud scanning.

Spot Cleaning

It is important to clean possible rattan stains promptly. If you see mold on your rattan furniture, remove it immediately, and don't let it spread over a large area. You may need to clean multiple times to resolve the problem depending on the amount of mold present.

clean regularly to remove mold and prevent it from spreading
Remove mold and mildew immediately and don't let it spread over

Deep Cleaning

Your rattan furniture can collect a lot of dust and become dirty over time. For a deeper clean, how to clean rattan furniture? You can mix warm water and mild dish soap in a bucket, then use a soft-bristled brush to gently scrub the entire furniture in circular motions.

dust patches that stick for a long time should be cleaned carefully
When dust and dirty over time, you should clean deeply

You must make sure to reach all aspects and crevices of the clouds. Then, wipe the furniture with a clean, damp cloth to rinse off soap residue. Finally, place your rattan furniture in a completely dry and well-ventilated area.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Avoid using ammonia, bleach, or any products containing chemicals when cleaning your rattan furniture. Instead, you can use mild, non-abrasive cleaners and gentle cleaning techniques as well as clean tools, cloths, and mild cleaning products. This is the best for your rattan furniture.

do not use strong chemicals because they are easily damaged
You should avoid harsh chemicals because they can cause your furniture damage

Protect from Direct Sunlight

How to clean and restore rattan furniture? Perhaps the most effective way to keep rattan furniture beautiful for many years is to protect it from direct sunlight. Instead, you should place it indoors or on a covered patio. If you have to use it outside as rattan garden furniture, you should make it waterproof and weatherproof.

when exposed to sunlight, rattan and bamboo items can fade, wither and be easily damaged
Exposure to sunlight can cause rattan items to fade, dry out, and become easily damaged

Rattan furniture is lightweight so it's easy to store inside after using it outside. Leaving it in a humid place will cause the fibers to deteriorate and mold, and if the air is particularly dry or cold it will cause the fibers to dry out and break.

Furthermore, direct exposure to sunlight can cause rattan and bamboo items to fade, dry out, and become more easily damaged. Therefore, to maintain the natural color and avoid cracking, you should place rattan furniture in a place away from direct sunlight. Additionally, you can use curtains, blinds, or anti-UV window film to protect your rattan furniture from harsh sunlight.

Materials for Cleaning Rattan Furniture

Like any other type of furniture, rattan requires regular cleaning and maintenance to keep it looking its best and prolong its life. In particular, apart from knowing how to clean rattan furniture, the material can also be important and make a difference in preserving the beauty of rattan furniture.

Rowabi's will introduce the materials needed to clean rattan furniture as well as how to use them effectively:

  • Mild detergent: A mild and non-abrasive detergent is the most suitable for cleaning rattan furniture. As mentioned above, you should avoid using harsh chemicals because they can damage the rattan fibers. Instead, a gentle dish soap or a specially mix cleaner created for rattan furniture will work best.
  • Soft brush: A soft bristle brush is essential to have when removing dust and debris from the surface of rattan furniture. The brush must be gentle enough to ensure it does not damage the delicate fibers of the rattan, but still effectively sweep away dirt.
  • Soft cloth or sponge: In addition to a brush, a soft cloth or sponge is an ideal tool when cleaning rattan furniture. It allows gentle scrubbing without causing any abrasion to the rattan. You must make sure the cloth or sponge is clean and does not contain harsh chemicals that can harm the rattan.
  • Water: Warm water is compulsory for cleaning the rattan after using soap. Avoid using hot water because it can make the rattan lose its shape or warp.
  • Vacuum cleaner: A vacuum cleaner can be useful to remove dirt from the crevices and hard-to-reach areas of the furniture. This step should be done before using water or any cleaning solution.

rattan furniture can be cleaned with a mild detergent, a soft brush, water and a vacuum cleaner
Some materials for cleaning rattan furniture such as mild detergent, soft brush, water, and vacuum cleaner

How to Keep Rattan Furniture Clean

Rowabi has given you some tips on how to clean rattan furniture. However, the most important is how to keep it clean. There are many ways to keep rattan furniture clean. However, you must remember the important principle of thorough monthly cleaning.

should be cleaned regularly to stay clean
To keep the rattan furniture clean, you should clean it regularly

Additionally, vacuuming furniture weekly will keep dust away effectively. After cleaning your rattan furniture, you should apply a coat of lacquer to add protection and preserve its pristine appearance. This can be done using a toothbrush and does not require much time or energy.

Moreover, knowing how to clean rattan furniture can help you to increase durability and maintain the aesthetics of rattan furniture. You can add lemon oil to your furniture. Gently apply lemon oil with a soft cloth, this will not only protect your rattan furniture but also enhance its shine.


Rattan furniture is a popular choice for every homeowner because of its versatility, durability, weather resistance, and natural appeal. In this article, Rowabi has given you some tips on how to clean rattan furniture as well as the way to keep it clean longer.

If you have any questions relating to cleaning and storing rattan furniture, contact us directly for more information.

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